Food Sensitivity Test

A Functional Medicine Approach 
to Treat & Heal the Root Cause of Illness

Food Sensitivity Test is a diagnostic tool designed to identify non-allergic, adverse reactions to specific foods.

Unlike food allergies, which involve an immediate immune response and can be life-threatening, food sensitivities often trigger delayed symptoms that can  set one up for autoimmunity issues and affect various aspects of health and well-being.

Key Features of Food Sensitivity Testing

  • Identification of Reactive Foods: This test detects immune system reactions (typically IgG antibodies) to a wide range of foods, helping to identify which foods may be causing chronic symptoms. 

  • Comprehensive Analysis: Food sensitivity tests often cover a broad spectrum of foods, including common allergens, grains, dairy, fruits, vegetables, meats, and more, providing a detailed profile of individual sensitivities. 

  • Delayed Reaction Detection: Unlike allergy tests that detect immediate reactions, food sensitivity testing identifies delayed immune responses that can occur hours to days after consuming the reactive food. 

  • Personalized Nutrition Guidance: The results help create a customized diet plan that eliminates or reduces intake of reactive foods, leading to improved digestion, reduced inflammation, and overall better health. 

  • Symptom Correlation: By identifying food sensitivities, individuals can correlate specific foods with chronic symptoms such as digestive issues, headaches, fatigue, skin problems, joint pain, and more. 

What Food Sensitivity Testing Helps Us Understand:  

  • Digestive Health: Identifies foods that may be contributing to bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, and other gastrointestinal issues. 

  • Inflammation Levels: Helps pinpoint dietary triggers of chronic inflammation, which can contribute to a range of health problems, including joint pain and autoimmune conditions. 

  • Energy and Mood: Provides insights into foods that may be impacting energy levels, causing fatigue, or affecting mood and mental clarity. 

  • Skin Health: Identifies dietary contributors to skin conditions such as eczema, acne, and rashes. 

  • Overall Wellness: Supports a tailored approach to diet that can improve overall health, weight management, and well-being. 

Differences Between Food Sensitivity Test & Allergy Test 

Food Sensitivity Testing and Allergy Testing both aim to identify adverse reactions to foods but differ significantly in the types of reactions they detect and their clinical implications.

Immune Response Type: 

  • Food Sensitivity Test identifies IgG-mediated responses, which are delayed and generally less severe but can cause chronic symptoms. 
  • Allergy Test detects IgE-mediated immune responses, which cause immediate and potentially severe reactions (anaphylaxis) upon exposure to the allergen. 

Onset of Symptoms: 

  • Food Sensitivity Test focuses on delayed reactions, which can occur several hours to days after consumption. 
  • Allergy Test looks for immediate reactions that occur within minutes to a few hours after consuming the allergen. 


  • Sensitivity symptoms include digestive disturbances, headaches, fatigue, joint pain, skin problems, and mood changes. These reactions are chronic and generally non-life-threatening. 
  • Allergy symptoms include hives, swelling, difficulty breathing, and anaphylaxis. These reactions are typically acute and can be life-threatening. 

Test Methods: 

  • Food Sensitivity Test usually involves blood tests that measure IgG antibodies against a wide range of foods. 
  • Allergy Test methods often includes skin prick tests, blood tests (measuring IgE antibodies), and oral food challenges. 

Test, Don’t Guess: Treat Root Cause
to Fully Heal

By testing for the root cause of symptoms and understanding specific food sensitivities, we help our patients better manage dietary choices to improve their overall health and reduce adverse symptoms. 

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