Small Intestine Bacteria Overgrowth (SIBO) Breath Test

A Functional Medicine Approach 
to Treat & Heal the Root Cause of SIBO

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) Breath Test is a diagnostic tool used to identify excessive bacterial growth in the small intestine.

This test is crucial for diagnosing SIBO, which can be a root cause of various gastrointestinal symptoms and disorders. 

Key Features of SIBO Breath Test

  • Non-Invasive: The test involves a simple breath sample collection, making it easy and comfortable for patients. 

  • Lactulose or Glucose Substrates: Uses lactulose or glucose as substrates to produce hydrogen and methane gases in the breath, which bacteria in the small intestine ferment. 

  • Timed Collection: Breath samples are collected at regular intervals over a few hours to track the production of gases. 

  • Hydrogen and Methane Measurement: Measures levels of hydrogen and methane gases, which are produced by bacteria in the small intestine. 

  • Clear Results: Provides clear and actionable results that help in diagnosing SIBO and tailoring treatment plans. 

What SIBO Breath Test Helps Us Understand:

  • Presence of SIBO: Confirms the presence of bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine, which can be responsible for various digestive symptoms. 

  • Type of Gas Produced: Differentiates between hydrogen-dominant and methane-dominant SIBO, which can influence treatment strategies. 

  • Severity of Overgrowth: Indicates the extent of bacterial overgrowth, aiding in the determination of the severity of the condition. 

  • Symptom Correlation: Helps correlate specific symptoms such as bloating, gas, diarrhea, or constipation with bacterial overgrowth. 

  • Treatment Effectiveness: Can be used to monitor the effectiveness of treatment protocols over time. 

Test, Don’t Guess: Treat Root Cause
to Fully Heal

The SIBO Breath Test is a vital diagnostic tool for our functional medicine clinic. It offers a non-invasive and accurate method to detect bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine, guiding the development of your personalized treatment plan to address the root causes of digestive health issues and improve outcomes. 

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