*** Gut Harmony: Reset & Restore course now available. Registration deadline: 9/8/24. Click to learn more! ***

How to Finally Get Some Rejuvenating Sleep!

Watch Arbor Health co-founders, Dr. Zendi Moldenhauer and Amber Ratcliffe discuss simple things you can do at home to get some quality sleep without medications.


If this resonates with you, request a free 20-minute consultation to see if Functional Medicine might be right for you.

Why sleep is important & why you need to make it a priority

  • Rest restores your body and heals your brain – more than 700 genes are activated while you sleep
  • Your brain actually allows more lymph around it while you are sleeping to heal it

Circadian Rhythm - Cortisol - Melatonin

  • Cortisol and melatonin have an inverse relationship – cortisol should be high in morning and low at night
  • Rest restorative sleep window...
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